Akhnoor Fort
In a quaint little eponymous town, 28 km away from Jammu, lies the majestic Akhnoor Fort. Situated on the bank of River Chenab, atop a cliff, the fort presents a picturesque sight. The fort's construction commenced in 1762, under the supervision of Raja Tej Singh, who could only complete two storeys. His successor, Raja Alam Singh, took the further command to build the entire fort. The entire fort was built in forty years. It is needless to say that a structure that took four decades to create is an architectural wonder.The fort has two-storeyed watch towers at corners and an impressive courtyard. The high walls facing the courtyard feature beautiful mural paintings. While touring the fort, you will encounter well-designed arches at regular intervals, accompanied by angular formations protruding outwards, called bastions. The fort also flaunts battlements and merlons.
However, it's not the architecture that is the highlight of the fort. The most striking feature is that it perches upon an ancient site - called 'Manda.' The excavation here is still in progress, sectioned into three periods: the first period represents Harappan culture as it's replete with red and grey earthenware such as jars, goblets, and beakers belonging to that era; the second period depicts historic pottery, while the third period marks the Kushana objects and walls of rubble diaper masonry. Thus, this 19th-century fort stands on a gold mine of archaeological remains of Harappa, one of the world's first civilisations and lures the tourists with a rich heritage.